Wednesday, June 20, 2018


 Prenatal surgery- for spina bifida (fetal surgery) takes place before the 26th week of pregnancy. Surgeons expose a pregnant mother's uterus surgically, open the uterus and repair the baby's spinal cord.
Cesarean Birth-Many babies with myelomeningocele tend to be in a feet-first (breech) position. If your baby is in this position or if your doctor has detected a large cyst or sac, cesarean birth may be a safer way to deliver your baby.
Meningocele- involves surgery to put the meninges back in place and close the opening in the vertebrae. Because the spinal cord develops normally in babies with meningocele, these membranes often can be removed by surgery with little or no damage to nerve pathways.
Myelomeningocele also requires surgery. Performing the surgery early can help minimize risk of infection that's associated with the exposed nerves and may also help protect the spinal cord from more trauma.

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